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Is Music becoming Pay To Win?

So recently I have been seeing a lot of sites advertising that they will get your music heard by 'professionals' if you pay a fee per track. This got my wondering on the state of affairs of new music.

It's well known and often talked about that musicians, (and while my perspective is from classical / orchestral / film score genre, it applies to all) are often underpaid, brushed aside or simply not paid at all in some cases. It seems to be a low area for careers in the entertainment industry. Especially for new struggling artists who just want to have their music be heard and if possible, make some money from sales or commissions. After all making music is the career goal. So then, why does it seem a good idea to some people, to charge the group of people, musicians, with the least amount of available money, in the small off chance they'd make more money. It seems like they are taking advantage of people's desperate hopes to get noticed. It's a scam. Not only is it highly likely that the people, if anyone, listening to your music has little or no influence in the music world, but even if they do, listening to music non stop all day will just make it worse for you.

There are, of course, decent music promotional services out there, such as Soundcheque. You do not have to pay per track upload, they keep your music on file and if they feel it'd suit a commission they have, then good. Other wise, just promote on your own in any way you can. Social media is already an amazing tool for self promotion. Yes it is rather flooded, and sometimes can feel like a shouting contest, but its better than throwing money at some nobody to listen to you.

I see so many of these sites now claiming they can get you music work or commissions or even the next 'Big Star'. Its rubbish. If you truly believe in your music and it is good, promote it, and people will hear it. For example, if you like orchestral film score style music, check out my works on Bandcamp or Youtubes XD -

Either way, making music while it is not your full time career is hard. Don't throw away money on these scams. Spend it on bettering yourself. Better equipment, good space to record, paying your bills and staying healthy. The last thing struggling artists need is false hope.

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